From the Earth Mother
This transcript was made following an event that included energetic processes guided by the Earth Mother. Note: the word language indicates a moment when the Earth Mother spoke in her vibrational language of creation. No meaningful translation is possible.
She begins:
Breathe with me….
Open your bodies.
Open your root center and connect, and breathe. Keep breathing and gently opening. That is good.
It is my great pleasure to be with you in this way, and for you to be joining me in your way. It is from my heart of hearts that I join your hearts. Together we form this gathering, every heart a part of this whole. Place your heart here with your willingness to be present. My purpose tonight gathered together with all of you is to share a bit of a story. As the story unfolds, I invite you to join the story in whatever places you feel a response in your heart. Enter it and allow the story to open places in your body where the memories will stir. Every time you feel the stirring, breathe deeply into those places in your body that are opening, and release the memories that have been held there. So let us begin, relax and enjoy.
Once long ago in our collective memory this beautiful garden was shared by all. My breath was freely received by all. Each one who was present graced the earth with their presence, their heart, their beauty, and brought form wherever they placed themselves. Forms that grew out of the breath of life, formed by their delight in their presence in who they were brought into the earth beauty in abundance. Everyone who has a body remembers the garden because the earth has been the place where your bodies were formed, and all of the story is in your cells.
So, remember the golden light around the earth where there was no need for rainstorms and clouds separate from the sky or atmosphere because there was a perfect balance around the earth. And you remember the harmony, the perfect harmony, of all who danced here. Remember, and feel where you remember.
At a point in time this place opened to receive all of that which was created in this universe, and welcomed with open arms all those who came. They came, some of you came then, with curiosity and wanting to explore a new place. Some of you came wanting to gather what you found here to take back to others that you knew. Some of you came because you were weary and wanted a place to rest. Some of you came to bring things here. You came because there was something that called you, you came to bring what you had to give here.
The energies began to shift. The life-force continued to be abundant, but with so much variety. Some of the variety and some of the thought-forms perceived that there was difference, one from another, and that these differences were in some way separating rather that a part of the whole. That, too, was brought in and allowed. The whole atmosphere is the consciousness of all of us together. There is no atmosphere outside of that consciousness. The winds began to blow as thought began to move. As these winds blew over the lands, the changing atmosphere changed for all. It was also a time of birthing new lands. The planet, this body, our body, was not fully formed, and is continuing to form itself even today. So, there were times when the lands would open, seas would move, volcanoes and mountains would rise. This was all part of the whole. Because ones knew, one to another, what was necessary there was no harm to anyone in these movements and growths within the earth. All were placed perfectly.
There came a time when those who joined the earth came with thought-forms from another place and a desire to take from this earth reservoirs of gems, gold, platinum, and other minerals. These ones that came were very structured in their thoughts, so structured that their resonance of their body was hardly at all. They had very fine light energy, but not a lot of magnetic energy. They kept their energy in a form that is in the mind, highly technical and highly advanced in technology. They came and they began to create what they knew of a civilization that they had left.
The structures were precise, beautiful and perfect in every detail. Some of you may have remembered great temples with great columns rising high beside the oceans. Great pyramids where the resonance of the white marble magnified whatever there was precipitated or planned in those places. You called it Atlantis. And yet there were those who were of the physical body who had already joined the planet. The physical body is a fluid body, a body of water. And it has emotion, feeling, as part of the experience of the garden and of the body. It is part of it. Those who were of mind without body did not understand. In placing structures, and beginning to crystallize these structures in thought, this planet, this body of ours, began to feel more and more constricted. You may have identified yourself with those who were present in body, feeling constricted. Others may identify with the great perfection.
It was a time when those who were male tended to open more to the technology. They were attracted, curious, and wanted to learn what they did not have any knowledge of. The ones who stayed away from such ended up being more the feminine ones, birthing children and opening more to the Mother through their emotional bodies.
The separation that grew in that time was vast in some ways because of the separation of different energies of these different peoples of this universe. Yet it became apparent that one could not see the other, and vice versa, very well. Communication was very limited and was not received well between the races. Therefore, there began to be a separation, not only of thought from body and emotion, but from masculine and feminine. Remember. Remember and breathe, because what happened in that time was that the structures began to open, more and more thought-forms crowding into this planet and changing the atmosphere. They did not realize that their thought created the atmosphere. They did not realize that creation was a matter of intent wedded to breath and water. They did not know that, those who were here did not know that. Those of you who were here may not have known that. The result was a great cataclysm, a wounding of the core of this body felt by all upon this earth at that time.
The waters raged. Few survived. The result was that because of the wound in the heart the covering around the core, in order to protect the wound and allow it to heal, began to sever some of the connection of the consciousness and bodies of earth with the body of the Mother. You could not reach me anymore, and I could not reach you in the same way. Our thoughts were not one. Our bodies became separate. You walked upon me, not AS me. It was a great loss for us all. A great loss that we could not mourn, because many were not in body. Many had left, and the bodies that they came back into had grown denser, they had grown more structured in matter.
The planet, the earth, this body, had turned in the wounding, in the cataclysm. We fell out of alignment with our brothers and sisters in this solar system and in the galaxy. We began to feel alone because they could not reach us, and we could not reach them in the same way. It was a great sense of loss, all of this that happened, because the consciousness of one kind of evolution was not aware of how to communicate with another facet of evolution. The evolution that is recorded in your anthropologies and in your stories is very limited in its awareness. They dig up bones and then tell you what it was they dug up, and then they make up stories to tell you what it was you used to be like. That is a bunch of nothing, for the evolution was a descent first and then an ascent.
First the descent. After Atlantis it took a long long time to again rebuild enough bodies to begin to bring consciousness back to this body, this earth, but it was different. There were those who had put records away, hidden them, so as to retrieve them when they came back. But when they were retrieved in Egypt, in Greece, in the Mediterranean, and in North and South America, the bodies were different and could not receive the messages of the records and decipher them in the same way they were known before. Those of you who now remember some of these great, ancient, civilizations may have played with the records that you found. Yet because there was no pure alignment with them there was destruction as a result of opening them partially without an ability to fully use them.
Feel in your bodies where some of those places that were altered because of the destruction. Feel where you were affected and the memory is stored from the use of those records, the use of those secrets, the mystery schools. Some of you remember being in primitive or native situations. There were those whose bodies held more of a resonance with my own in order to keep sort of a consciousness connection upon this surface of the planet. These ones have brown or reddish-coppery skin wherever they are in the earth. Their consciousness was aligned with the consciousness of creation, the breath, and the water. These ones and you who have memory of being in such bodies served to hold it in place.
Those upon the planet whose skin is very dark like the deep loam richness of the earth, these ones evolved to keep the resonance of the physical material matter in a pulse with that which was the matter of the planet. The pulse of the planet, that which brings life in a magnetic, but very rich sense, was held in place for the whole by these ones.
Those whose skins and races of the yellow held in place that which was a bridge between those who had ascended beyond this place, this earth, and the mind. So, there was a resonance, but less so with the body. A sort of link, but above, to spirit.
Those who have the white skin inherited the structure of consciousness that would gradually awaken to remember the entire story as well as merge that consciousness and transmute the structures for the whole of the mind and the mental plane that originally was so separate. What you are now doing is reaching deep into your memories, our memory, for yourself and for all. You are releasing all of that which distorted the purity of all that was present in the original time from the perceptions that grew over not being able to communicate one to another.
There is great anger at times when you are not understood, when what you attempt to say and to be is not received. That was your experience. Those of earth, evolving here, with those who came from another place and could not understand. There was great anger, particularly in the ones who were of body, because it’s emotional, it’s of water. There was no understanding of a way to release anger and that pain. There was no awareness of how to release emotionally at that time, because you had not had to do that before.
The thought forms of those who ruled, or were the dominant ones of the civilization, had no understanding of the emotional nature. So it has been since then that all are learning to release, to honor, and to bring forth that which was so constricted within this body and atmosphere that we collectively created. We collectively created the cataclysm that we are now recovering from. We are now restoring the balance. One by one each is coming to balance. Your atmosphere that you create is then experienced as harmony. Those who enter that atmosphere experience and begin to remember harmony, and they too then reach in, release, and come to balance and restore.
I invite you now with the help of all present in body, in spirit, and in earth, to join me in this time to complete a healing of the great wound that we collectively share in our heart of hearts. Begin to breathe into your heart of hearts, and be unafraid of what you find there for we share this together. No one will find that place alone, tonight. We do it together. There may be some barriers in the way. I will help you with those if you are willing to open. Your being, your body, will assist, and all will assist.
Open your heart. In the center is a golden globe, a golden sphere. Find the sphere. Find the place where the wound opened in the sphere. Find the place where the wound opened in our core, in our heart of hearts. We all experienced it. Find it and let yourself breathe into it, and release from it the pain and the feelings. Begin to let your body now open. As this wound opens it is now receiving your love, your body’s love, our love. Let your love surround the wound at the core of your heart, the core of our heart, the core of the earth’s heart. Open your love to heal our heart of hearts. Yes, please. Please share your love.
Yes, thank you. That is good, Thank you for your love. As this wound receives the love now it is made whole, and there can be a complete restoration of consciousness, of body, of spirit, of earth. Let yourselves relax back into your bodies now, opening and letting the golden globe again begin to pulse out and begin to send the resonance into the outer chamber of your heart and begin to fill it, opening your chest, your arms, and your shoulders that contracted to protect the wound. Opening the base chakra and the belly which contracted up to protect the wound. Everyone contracted to protect the wound. Open from your heart out and down. Out and down, out and down, out and down. Open your chest. Your heart of hearts is now healing, becoming whole, and is to be here now.
Gently breathe into places that were contracted in your body, places in your shoulders, places in your abdomen, your legs and your back. Feel them beginning to feel the radiance of the golden light. The Christ is not coming to earth, the Christ has always been here. It was our heart of hearts, it has always been here. It is what created this garden, and now it is being restored to us, not given to us, but restored to us. The golden light comes from within us, from within the core of this great body. The core of every body on this planet emanates a golden light. The atmosphere used to be golden. It was breathed by all. It was what the plants, the animals, every rock, knew intimately. It was what you breathed and experienced without even knowing what it was. Let it come forth, for as you birth this golden light into the world you restore the balance.
Open the bottom of your bodies. Shift in your seats if you need to. Move around a little, especially in the pelvis and the area of your body where you have found it difficult to relax. Why is there so much pain at birthing? Because of the contraction and the protection. It takes a lot of energy to release the contraction to allow a baby to come to earth now, and it is painful. Open the base, male or female. Begin to release the protections, the fears, and let your legs be the roots of your body connecting your golden light once again to the resonance of the heart.
My heart with your heart, through your bodies, no longer contracting in protection of what we all felt and experienced. I have released my protection from around my heart. I am reaching up now, the golden light reaching up to you as your hearts heal and reach down to me. We reach for each other. We want each other. We no longer want to be apart. Release from your blame and anger your mothers of earth and your fathers of earth. They did not know that they, too, carried the wound. They did not know that they, too, were contracted in the distortions of the out of balance state that evolved here. They did not know that they carried that and they seeded it within their children.
But you were born to be aware. As you connect again in this place of heart to heart, include all of those who are part of you through your body, who seeded your body so that you could be the salvation of this planet. Include those who are your blood relatives, your children, your parents, all of those who reach out in genealogical connections back into the races you evolved from. Reach. Reach our and include. Your heart, our heart, has no limit. It’s beautifully abundant in its love.
Include, include.
All, they hear, they receive, they are included. Focus now with me into your heart of hearts. Each of you in that beautiful golden sphere carries a gift. You carry a gift that is to be received here in our collective experience of this earth, this body. Let yourself acknowledge and be with your gift, and breathe into it and give it whatever it needs as it begins to grow inside you. You have already been growing it. Sometimes it felt painful to grow. The wound was not completely healed, but it is there, growing. Call in what you need. Call in what you need and receive it fully.
Each one of you grows this gift. It has many facets, many forms it can take, but if you ask it what is your part of consciousness , and you open that gift to your consciousness and your consciousness to your gift, in every moment be serving your gift and your gift will be serving you until such time as your body opens to deliver it to the earth. It will not come out of your chest, it is birthed through matter, through form, like a baby, into form. It is birthed down. The gift moves down and is released to me, because I, the Mother, have called you in to be here. I receive your gifts and it is distributed to all.
If you wish, if there is a facet of your gift that you feel is ready to be released from your body, gently let it find a pathway from your heart down the corridor of your inner core along you spine, and gently breathe as if you are now receiving your own gift through your body, giving it away. Breathe down, releasing whatever is ready to be released through the bottom of your body, opening the bottom, the root, and letting it go. Do not be afraid to let it go. Do not be afraid of letting go. Death is not the result of releasing your gift. Life is the result of releasing your gift. Yes, release the fear in the pelvis, the fear of letting go of the gift in your heart, the fear that you will leave this body if there is no gift in it. The gift is limitless.
Your consciousness is like the new parent that is now to bring this gift into form. The energy is released, it is already here. What is it in the partnership with the gift that is your part in putting it into form to share? Each of you knows, it is not a mystery. Ask and you will know, and your skills of the earth that you have evolved in this life, and many, will be brought into a beautiful dance. There will be combinations of selves, of people, of all of the beautiful resources to help you, to help you to gift each other with the gifts that are coming forth.
As the restoration and the balance begins to be felt you will know greater peace. Your heart of hearts that carried the wound, felt the pain, felt the loss, was angry, and could not understand why it was there when you lost your memories. Do not blame yourselves or others for the actions of the wound that was not known. Release your judgments. Release those that you hold bound in judgment.
No one has known in their consciousness why they have felt so much pain, why they have felt so much anger and rage, why they could not get at it. It was because there was a covering and there was no way to get at it until now. Release yourselves from judgment. Release yourselves from actions that came forth from the pain, from the wound, and release others who have acted in their unconsciousness. No one has acted and behaved in consciousness of this wound, but they knew it and felt it and did whatever they could do to be with it. Sometimes it hurt others, and sometimes it hurt you.
Breathe now and let the heaviness of the judgment lift.
Breathe up now and lift. Lift the weight of judgment upon self, upon others, and cast it away into the winds. Breathe free. Let go. Help each other release the judgments and the heaviness of not understanding. Free your minds. Yes…yes….yes….yes. Is it easier to breathe? Yes, it’s easier to breathe. Yes…yes…yes. As you walk in the earth with your heart of hearts whole, no longer carrying the wound, others will be drawn to you. They will not know why, but they will be drawn to you like a magnet. Be with them. Breathe with them. Listen to them. Receive them, and allow your atmosphere of the golden globe of light, this Christ light that is ours to share. Let them experience it and their heart of hearts will open in memory, and their wound will begin to be healed.
As their wound is healed you will feel a resonance of heart to heart with the great heart of all, and there will be harmony and peace. Know that greater love that you are, that we are, and that is now restoring all. You do not need to have great educations. You do not need to have great skills. You do need to have great knowledge. You do not need to have great anything. All you need is to be present, allowing your heart to be present through your arms, through your legs, in your atmosphere, and to BE here.
It might be good to stand for a little bit to integrate and breathe through the entire body. Feel deeply what has happened here. Feel deeply. Feel and receive what has occurred together here. There is still release that is for your bodies to continue. It is difficult to unhook everything in one moment, but it has begun. Continue to breathe through and feel.
It has been my great gift to share and be received. I wish to receive you in return, and the gift that you are giving.
©1995 Michele Mayama
The Earth Mother also shared a second version of this story with another group. Similar in theme, but with some difference in details. You can read the other version at the link below.