Our home.
This site is dedicated to the one we call Earth Mother. She is mother to our physical bodies and all that has been brought into manifestation on this planet. She is a beautiful being of great awareness and emotion, and desires to restore connection with those who have forgotten their relationship with her.
She is more than just nature. She is a conscious, highly-evolved presence, embodied in this planet the way each of our souls embody our physical selves. She is also orchestrating a large transformation, a change from a world of separation and polarization to a world unified beyond what we can imagine.
The expressions of the Earth Mother on these pages have come through the intuitive gifts of Michele Mayama, allowing her to channel beings of both Spirit and Earth. The Earth Mother made her first connection with us through Michele in February of 1995. Read more about that event and begin your journey of remembrance with EARTH SPEAKS.
As more of our collective story is known, the more we are able to understand the transition we are in and what direction we are headed. We hope this material will help shift the focus away from the chaos of what is breaking down and bring assurance that we are indeed entering a new human experience founded in a fusion of Light, Life and Love. Also seen our companion site CHOICE FOR LOVE.